Week ending April 28th, 2023

ESAA is Hiring!

Accountability. Innovative. Community Involvement. Environmental Integrity.

The Environmental Services Association of Alberta (ESAA) was established in 1987. With over two- hundred-member organizations, we have grown to become one of Canada’s leading environment industry associations. ESAA has provides its members with educational publications and conferences; much needed in the ever-changing environmental industry, as well as providing  important networking opportunities. ESAA is committed to promoting its many members and their  services and is proud to serve its member organizations.

We are looking for our new Manager, Strategic Relations to join our team. This position is responsible for fostering relationships that will promote ESAA and the industry with other industry sectors and levels of government. The role is also responsible for building and fostering relationships, supporting the messaging of key trends, and communicating the changes in the regulatory areas which directly impact the ESAA membership. This position is also responsible for member retention and recruitment activities.

Full details and how to apply available at:  https://esaa.org/job/manager-strategic-relations/

Please, no phone calls.



ESAA Announces 2023 Board of Directors

At the ESAA AGM on April 12th, the ESAA Members re-elected Sean Parker and elected new directors David Nuell and Laura Rathgeber. Welcome to the ESAA Board.

ESAA would like to thank Jennifer Carscallen, Tom Fleming and Amanda MacKinnon for putting their names forward for the ESAA Board election.

A big thank you to outgoing ESAA Directors, Sheila Duchek and Stacy Thygesen. Your leadership and support of ESAA is greatly appreciated.

The 2023 ESAA Board is:

  • Rob Traynor, SLR Consulting – ESAA President
  • Scott Purves, Matrix Solutions – ESAA Vice President
  • Sean Parker, McLennan Ross LLP – ESAA Treasurer
  • Adam Dunn, Earthmaster Environmental Strategies – ESAA Secretary
  • Darren Cherniak, North Shore Environmental – ESAA Director
  • Darrell Haight, Trace Associates, ESAA Director
  • David Nuell, Nichols Environmental, ESAA Director
  • Laura Rathgeber, AGAT Laboratories, ESAA Director
  • Karen Schmidt, Osprey Scientific, ESAA Director

Board member biographies can be found at: https://esaa.org/about/board/


ESAA Summit Wrap-up

The first ESAA Summit is in the books and from all accounts was a great success. The event feature 2 amazing keynotes and 7 great panel discussions. The panel discussions shared lots of great information and created a lot of dialogue that we hope continues after the event. The buzz was amazing.

Thank you to everyone who participated, the panelists, moderators and a great big thank you to all of our amazing sponsors.

Presentations are now available at:   https://esaa.org/summit/agenda/presentations/

The Summit will return in 2024 at the Pomeroy Kananaskis Mountain Lodge and Nordic Spa, April 15-17.


Environmental charges laid against Alberta company

Environment and Protected Areas has laid charges against 1686301 Alberta Ltd. for not following environmental legislation.

1686301 Alberta Ltd. is alleged to have contravened environment legislation and regulations related to pumping water from a gravel pit into a water body.

Charges under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, Water Act, Public Lands Act and subsequent regulations were laid on April 4.

The company is facing 13 charges:

  • three charges for contravening the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act
  • five charges for contravening the Water Act
  • five charges for contravening the Public Lands Act

All offences are alleged to have occurred between April 12 and June 14, 2021.

The first court date is scheduled for May 16 in the Alberta Court of Justice, Edson.

Quick facts

  • Alberta’s Water Act supports and promotes the conservation and management of water through the use and allocation of water in Alberta.
  • The Water Act addresses Albertans’ rights to divert water and the types of instruments and decision-making processes available for diversion and use of water.
  • Regulatory requirements for air, water, land and biodiversity in Alberta are managed primarily through the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act. The act supports and promotes the protection, enhancement and wise use of the environment by designating which proposed activities require approval or registration.
  • The Public Lands Act establishes the role of the Alberta government in managing public land in the province.
  • If you have information about a spill, release or emergency that could damage the environment, call 1-800-222-6514, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


AER: Order issued to AlphaBow Energy Ltd.

On March 30, 2023, the AER issued a reasonable care and measures order to AlphaBow Energy Ltd. (AlphaBow) as the company has repeatedly failed to comply with regulatory requirements and address compliance issues in a timely manner. The AER is of the opinion that AlphaBow does not have the capability to meet its regulatory and liability obligations across the energy development lifecycle. 

The AER’s order requires AlphaBow to take several actions, which includes:

  • submitting a plan outlining the actions it will take to properly manage its sites, address outstanding compliance issues, ensure environmental monitoring requirements are met, and perform remedial work related to previous incidents;
  • submitting an abandonment plan to abandon wells where the mineral lease has expired; and
  • paying $15.3 million in security, representing 10 per cent of its estimated inactive liability, to offset the estimated costs of abandoning and reclaiming a well or facility and carrying out other activities necessary to ensure the protection of the public and the environment.

In addition, AlphaBow is required to submit financial information, such as interim quarterly financial statements and third-party audited annual financial statements.

The AER has issued this order to ensure the sites licensed to AlphaBow will not pose a risk to public safety or the environment, and to prevent impairment or damage to the sites.


Statement on Suncor Release of Water

On April 16, 2023, Suncor Fort Hills site reported to EDGE that there had been a release of water with Total Suspended Solids (TSS) more than their approved regulatory limit from a sedimentation pond.  We want to stress, this was not a leak from a tailings pond, and the water that was released is not processed water from tailings, it is drainage from surrounding landscape. 

A sedimentation pond is a water treatment pond or a polishing pond that accepts water from muskeg drainage, overburden dewatering, overburden, and reclamation material storage areas or any areas not yet disturbed by mining and discharges to the environment. In this case, the pond collects and discharges run off water into Fort Creek 800m upstream of the Athabasca River in accordance with the AER approved regulatory limit of 50 milligram per litre.

The release into the Athabasca River was 66 milligram per litre over the approved limit. Suncor took action to stop the discharge system and the release was stopped April 16. Suncor is currently working to understand the cause of the exceedance and have informed AER that the system will remain down until Total Suspended Solids (TSS) fall within the accepted regulatory limit of 50 milligram per litre. Suncor has also advised that they have taken water quality samples and they will share the results when available. 

Suncor have contacted Indigenous communities in the area and we have followed-up with our own communication.

Suncor has advised that they have taken water quality samples and they will share the results when available.


Statement on Environmental Protection Order for Imperial’s Kearl Oil Sands Project – updated April 12, 2023

The AER continues to commission independent, third-party water quality testing at the Imperial Oil Kearl Oilsands Project site. Test results were taken from multiple locations in Waterbody 3 (WB3) on April 6 and reported to the AER on April 10. Some of these tests confirmed the ongoing presence of F2 hydrocarbons and naphthenic acids in WB3. These components are potential indicators of industrial wastewater in WB3, a fish-bearing waterbody on the northeastern edge of Imperial’s Kearl lease. As a result of these tests, the AER is communicating directly with Indigenous communities, stakeholders and government authorities about these results.

Consistent with the last round of testing, F2 hydrocarbons were found in one location close to the seep. However, the most recent testing indicates levels of F2 hydrocarbons at 0.2mg/L, an amount that exceeds the Surface Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Freshwater Aquatic Life (AEP PAL) for F2 hydrocarbons at 0.11mg/L.

Also consistent with the last round of testing, naphthenic acids were detected at low levels at two locations close to the seep, as well as at one new location close to the outlet of the waterbody that connects to a tributary of the Firebag River. No guidelines exist for Naphthenic acids. It is important to note that naphthenic acids are naturally occurring in the region.

Imperial has been notified and is required to take additional measures to reduce and restrict the outflow of water from WB3. An action plan detailing the proposed actions is due from Imperial no later than 4:30 p.m. April 12, 2023.

There is no indication of a change in drinking water quality at this time and no adverse impacts to fish or wildlife have been observed at this time.

Intensive water monitoring is ongoing as the AER has commissioned significant third-party monitoring and the Government of Alberta is also planning high frequency monitoring of up to 4 times per week during the spring melt near the Kearl oil sands operation and along the Firebag River. In addition, Imperial and ECCC are also conducting regular testing.

The AER is ensuring strong regulatory oversight of Imperial’s ongoing actions to meet the EPO with regular onsite inspections, testing and monitoring. We have an interdisciplinary team of dedicated experts overseeing Imperial’s actions and will provide ongoing updates on testing when results become known.

April 4, 2023

Third-party water quality testing commissioned by the AER continues at the Imperial Oil Kearl oil sands site. We are also monitoring and reviewing the water testing data provided by Imperial to ensure compliance with the environmental protection order (EPO) issued on February 6, 2023.

The presence of F2 hydrocarbons and naphthenic acids in the April 3 samples taken at the two sites closest to the seep location are potential indicators of industrial wastewater in Waterbody 3 (WB3), a fish-bearing water body on the northeastern edge of the Kearl lease.

Current data shows that levels of F2 hydrocarbons do not exceed the Surface Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Freshwater Aquatic Life (AEP PAL) and the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Environmental quality guidelines (CCME CEQGs). No guidelines exist for naphthenic acids; however, testing has detected naphthenic acids in low concentrations.

Public safety and the protection of the environment remain our priorities. We have not observed any change in drinking water quality or adverse effects on fish or wildlife. It is premature to make any conclusions based on these test results; we will continue to monitor for the presence of these components and any changes over time.

We are communicating this development to affected Indigenous communities and the public as part of our commitment to transparency.

We directed Imperial to provide a plan within 24 hours by April 12 for preventing potential effects on water bodies downstream of WB3. We will continue the third-party monitoring to ensure the appropriate oversight of WB3 and downstream water bodies. 

The AER will join the Fort Chipewyan Working Group established to bring government and community representatives together to discuss monitoring in areas downstream of the Kearl oil sands site. The AER’s multidisciplinary team of experts is working with government counterparts to ensure public health and safety with regular on-site inspections, testing, and monitoring.

Our investigation into the Kearl incidents is ongoing. You can find more information on mitigation, cleanup, and more in the AER’s EPO and Imperial’s public updates.
We are committed to sharing updates and information with stakeholders, Indigenous communities, and the public within the parameters of the investigation.


AER’s CEO’s opening remarks before the Environment Committee

Thank you Chair and Committee Members for the invitation to appear today, where we meet on the traditional unceded territory of the Anishinaabeg People.

My name is Laurie Pushor, and I am Chief Executive Officer of the Alberta Energy Regulator.

Before I begin, I want to acknowledge the First Nations, Metis and stakeholders I am meeting with, and who testified at this committee.

These are lands where people have told us they practice traditional ways and exercise treaty rights, downstream from oil sands operations, and they need to be confident in the safe, effective, operation of the industry.

It is clear that neither Imperial nor the AER met community expectations to ensure they are fully aware of what is and was happening and for that I am truly sorry.

Our Board of Directors has initiated a third-party review into AER’s actions, processes, and communications surrounding the incidents and will publicly post the findings of this review. 

We are committed to working alongside communities, to strengthen our processes and engagement, to build relationships, enhance transparency, and broaden communications around our work.

  • The timeline at Kearl begins with incident one which was reported on May 19, 2022 as “discoloured surface water found on lease” to an AER inspector and to the Environmental and Dangerous Goods Emergency call centre (or “EDGE”), where incidents are assessed, and relevant agencies are contacted.

The day after notification, an AER inspector was on-site to assess the situation and Imperial was directed to: 

  • undertake geochemistry and root cause analysis studies,
  • install groundwater monitoring wells to determine where the water was coming from and implement a water quality sampling and monitoring plan – and  report to the AER every two weeks.  

At this time Imperial had the duty to inform any person who it knew or ought to know may be directly affected by the release.  

On June 3rd, samples identified an indicator of industrial wastewater, but were inconclusive and suggested it could be attributed to natural sources.

On August 16th, Imperial reported to the AER that the chemistry of the discoloured water was consistent with that of industrial wastewater. 

With this information, the AER issued two notices of noncompliance on September 2nd relating to releasing a substance to the watershed and failing to contain industrial wastewater.

On November 29th, Imperial confirmed that industrial wastewater was seeping through a common fill layer, mixing with shallow groundwater, and surfacing at locations on and off-site. 

Through December Imperial was required to:

  • Install additional seepage interception and delineation groundwater wells and
  • Submit action plans for source control, delineation, and remediation of the release.

Imperial’s plan would not have completed required work before spring runoff which needed further mitigation.

Incident one evolved in a manner that required technical expertise and rigorous on-site inspections to evaluate and understand what was occurring.

By the end of January, the AER had collected sufficient evidence and scientific analysis and had begun drafting an Environmental Protection Order (EPO) for incident one, when incident two took place.

On February 4th, 2023, Imperial reported incident two to EDGE, as a 2 cubic metre on-site release of industrial wastewater due to overflow of a storage pond.

AER staff inspected the site the next day and observed that the impact extended off-site. Imperial also informed that the estimated volume released had increased to 5300 cubic metres. 

Two days later, on February 6th, the AER issued an EPO to Imperial, covering both incidents, requiring Imperial submit and implement plans related to control, containment and delineation, sampling and monitoring, wildlife mitigation and monitoring, remediation, and communications.

The AER also released a public statement regarding the EPO and notified regional stakeholders and Indigenous communities.

Since the EPO, the AER’s technical experts are ensuring diligent oversight of Imperial’s actions to meet the EPO and ensure safe operations, with regular on-site inspections, testing and monitoring.

Intensive water monitoring is ongoing by multiple agencies including the AER, the Government of Alberta, Imperial and ECCC.

And we have shared our water testing results with communities and are sharing on our website.

I, and AER staff, have also been in regular contact with Indigenous communities and stakeholders to provide updates, answer questions and listen to concerns.

We appreciate the frank conversations that we continue to have.

As the AER is investigating, there will be some aspects of the incidents which would be imprudent for me to comment on at this time, to protect the integrity of the investigation.

As an organization we remain committed to making improvements at the AER and the work that we do each and every day.

Thank you


Alberta: Oil wells can now be nominated for closure


(Source: Western Producer)  A new initiative under Alberta’s liability management program allows landowners, disposition holders, municipalities and First Nations to nominate wells on their land for closure at the expense of oil or gas companies.

The Closure Nomination Program will allow requesters to put forward well sites and infrastructure, excluding pipelines, that have been inactive for five or more years to be closed and the site remediated.

The program, which launched April 1, is managed by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER).

A Western Producer interview request to the AER was declined.

“Once we have more information on how the program is being received and data on how many nominations we’ve received, then we’ll be in a better place to give a fuller interview,” the organization said in an emailed statement.

However, the AER provided some information based on written questions.

Regarding the target goal of the program for well site and facility remediation, “the actual number of nominations received will be driven by eligible requesters, so the AER cannot provide a specific estimate or target on how many sites will be closed through this process.”

The Closure Nomination Program is part of a wider oil and gas site Inventory Reduction Program, which has set a quota of $700 million to be spent by industry to clean up unused sites in 2023. That quota is forecast to rise to nearly a billion by 2027.

In a written response to how much of the $700 million the AER is forecasting to be spent through the Closure Nomination Program, the regulatory body responded, “there is no dollar value or target associated with the closure nomination process. However, any costs associated with closing a nominated site will count towards a company’s closure quota.”

During the first week since the launch, only one eligible entity has been posted on the closure nomination dashboard, a single Sequoia Resources well on land owned by Camrose County.

Sequoia filed for bankruptcy in March 2018 with a little more than $1.7 million in cash available against $244.5 million in claims by creditors, according to court documents.

Mark Dorin, vice-chair of the Polluter Pay Federation, is a critic of the AER and what he calls its inability to properly administer regulations and laws governing Alberta’s oil and gas industry.

Dorin said the criteria for closure nomination is simple enough and can be done through an online application but AER, “hasn’t got a clue.

“They have no idea about case law. No idea about procedural fairness. They can’t interpret their own statutes. They are an absolute disaster,” he said.

Regarding the situation with Camrose County’s Sequoia Resources well, as the company no longer functionally exists, the licensee is the company’s bankruptcy trustee.

Dorin stressed that conventional oil and gas operations in Alberta are coming to an end and landowners and stakeholders must solidify plans to deal with the leftover infrastructure before more companies go insolvent.

“Oil companies are all broke. Every last one,” he said, adding only a few of the larger operations, especially in the oilsands, are expected to survive.

“Landowners need to know it so they can hack and get their compensation now and get their lands cleaned up properly now before those guys are gone.”

Dorin said he supports well-run oil and gas operations that properly compensate farmers and ranchers for the loss of use of their lands but that has not been happening.

“There will be a revolt,” he said.

Dorin said the only legal recourse is for landowners to deny oil and gas companies access to their land to drill new wells.

“Stop signing agreements. When the oil company comes to you, you do not have to let them on your land. You just refuse. Then they have to go to the Surface Rights Board (currently known as the Land and Property Rights Tribunal) and landowners can make sure these cases will get all backed up,” he said.

A recent report by Alberta’s auditor general on liability management of oil and gas infrastructure found numerous shortcomings in how AER manages the issue.

That report found that despite the AER having a system to mitigate risks for the closure of oil and gas infrastructure, objectives for parts of the system including risk management practices, public accountability and timely closure of inactive sites were not being met.


ECO Canada’s annual Salary and Demographic survey

ECO Canada has just launched our annual Salary and Demographic survey for environmental workers/organizations. It’s running through May 22nd, and we’d love to have the input of your members – would it be possible to reach out to them through ESAA? We’re offering workers a chance to win one of 10 $100 gift cards, and organizations who respond will receive a free copy of our 2022-23 Environmental Worker Compensation Guide. We can provide the outreach content in several formats – just let us know what would work best for you.

Survey Link: https://api.legerweb.com/ECO2023HRSURVEYC

Remediation Technology News and Resource

(The following are selected items from the US EPA’s Tech Direct – http://clu-in.org/techdirect/)

New Documents and Web Resources

Green Remediation Best Management Practices: Cleaner Fuels and Air Emissions for Site Cleanups (EPA 542-F-23-001). Environmental investigation and remediation at hazardous waste sites can involve significant consumption of fossil fuels by vehicles and mobile or stationary equipment powered by internal combustion engines. Burning of gasoline, diesel and other fossil fuels results in emission of air pollutants such as particulate matter and carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that greatly contributes to climate changes. It also increases production of ground-level ozone that can trigger human health problems and may exacerbate environmental justice concerns in certain communities. The updated EPA fact sheet on this topic describes and illustrates best management practices (BMPs) intended to minimize fuel consumption and air emissions due to operating equipment such as power generators and onroad or offroad vehicles such as light- or heavy-duty trucks, tractor trailers and excavators. Key strategies focus on deploying engines and vehicles equipped with advanced emission control technologies, conserving the fuel required to operate engines and vehicles, and integrating BMPs in project-level transportation plans for activities such as offsite disposal of waste. Such strategies are critical as the U.S. continues to transition to an electric economy. To view or download, please visit https://www.clu-in.org/greenremediation/docs/GR_BMP_fact_sheet_cleaner_fuels_emissions.pdf.

New Focus Area: Chlorinated Solvents. Chlorinated solvents have been used for a variety of commercial and industrial purposes, such as degreasers, drycleaning solutions, paint thinners, herbicides, pesticides, resins, glues, and a host of other mixing and thinning solutions. Visit the Chlorinated Solvents Focus Area at https://www.clu-in.org/Chlorinated-Solvents

New Focus Area: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). PAHs are formed by the incomplete combustion of coal, oil, gasoline, garbage, residential wood burning, and other organic materials. They are are one of the most common contaminants of concern (COC) addressed at Superfund sites, particularly in soil. View the PAH Focus Area at https://www.clu-in.org/pahs

Technology Innovation News Survey Corner. The Technology Innovation News Survey contains market/commercialization information; reports on demonstrations, feasibility studies and research; and other news relevant to the hazardous waste community interested in technology development. Recent issues, complete archives, and subscription information is available at https://www.clu-in.org/products/tins/. The following resources were included in recent issues:

      • Innovative Reuse and Beneficial Use Evaluation and Demonstration Project Report (RE02) Conowingo Sediment Characterization and Innovative Reuse and Beneficial Use Pilot Project
      • Mapping Areas of Groundwater Susceptible to Transient Contamination Events From Rapid Infiltration into Shallow Fractured-Rock Aquifers in Agricultural Regions of the Conterminous United States
      • Adaptive Site Management – A Framework for Implementing Adaptive Management at Contaminated Sediment Superfund Sites
      • Chlorinated Solvent Remediation at the Petro-Processors Superfund Site in Louisiana
      • Simulation of Regional Groundwater Flow and Advective Transport of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, Joint Base Mcguire-Dix-Lakehurst and Vicinity, New Jersey, 2018
      • Environmental Behavior and Remediation of Contaminated Sites with Cationic Radionuclides: the Cases of Cs and Sr



Upcoming Industry Events


RemTech East

May 30 -June 1, 2023
Fallsview Casino and Resort
Niagara Falls, ON


Program Now Available – 200 Delegate Passes Remaining

ESAA and ONEIA are pleased to announce that the Program for the RemTech East is now available. 

The program features 42 technical talks covering a number of topic areas, plus a special session specific to Ontario regulations. 

The program also features keynotes by: Matt Jamieson, President/CEO Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation, Brian Keating, Going Wild, Tovah Barocas, Earth Rangers and Yvonne Camus, Eco Challenge Adventure Racer.  

The conference also features 45 exhibits, numerous networking opportunities and two amazing receptions including one at Table Rock Restaurant.

Program details can be found at: https://esaa.org/remtecheast/agenda/

Full conference details at: https://esaa.org/remtecheast/ 

Registration Fees 

ESAA / ONEIA / QPCO Member    $875Register Now
Non-Member    $995Register Now
Student    $225     Register Now
Hotel Reservations – For full details visit: https://esaa.org/remtecheast/hotel-travel/   Hotel Reservation deadline is April 28th.

ESAA and ONEIA look forward to seeing you at the Falls!


May 10th-12 – Fairmont Chateau Whistler

The British Columbia Environment Industry Association’s BEST Conference attracts environmental professionals every May for two and a half days of technical sessions, networking opportunities, and a sponsor exhibition.

Mark your calendars now so you don’t miss out on the “BEST” opportunity to network and learn about the current environment industry in BC.


Join the Conversation on Excess Soil Regulations
and Resource Recovery in Canada

On September 21, 2023, the 7th annual Excess Soils Symposium will provide a first-rate update on the business of excess soils and new regulations impacting construction and cleanup projects.

This year, with the goal to make the event content as inclusive and geographically diverse as possible, we are providing an open call for participation. Do you have a compelling technical abstract ready to share? Are you interested in pitching a panel topic or participating in a panel?

At our exciting new venue, the Toronto Region Board of Trade (100 Queen’s Quay East), we are prepared to gather more than 300 attendees, including provincial ministers, municipal staffers, construction developers, industry stakeholders, engineers, project managers, qualified professionals, fill site operators, media and more.

Call for Abstracts: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfEiBfEabhccMups5AexL9cPK_Kv0TYVZhhOvuy-Jtso4BGqg/viewform


The Canadian Conservation and Land Management Knowledge Network (CCLM – www.cclmportal.ca) is pleased to be hosting an upcoming webinar discussing nature-based climate solutions in Canada.

Nature-based climate solutions (NBCSs) are increasingly viewed as potentially significant contributors to combating climate change. They are of particular interest in countries such as Canada, which has a vast land base with globally significant carbon stocks; these systems have the potential to help advance climate change mitigation goals by intentionally enhancing carbon sequestration or reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, more research is needed to better understand the potential contribution of NBCSs to Canada’s GHG emission reduction and net-zero carbon targets, and the potential of NBCSs varies regionally and across different ecosystems. 

A recent report by the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA), entitled Nature-Based Climate Solutions, brought together 15 experts to explore the potential for NBCSs to help meet Canada’s GHG emission reduction goals. The report provides an overview of the mitigation potential of natural carbon sinks to enhance carbon sequestration or reduce emissions while also exploring feasibility considerations and the potential co-benefits and trade-offs associated with implementing NBCSs in Canada. It also explores how Indigenous Peoples are key partners in carbon sequestration initiatives in Canada.

This webinar will provide participants with an overview of the report and the complexities associated with NBCSs. It will also include a panel discussion with some of the panel experts who contributed to the report, who will share their knowledge on the potential of NBCSs to sequester carbon or mitigate GHG emissions.

Registration Link –> https://www.cclmportal.ca/portal/boreal-caribou-land-management-wetland-knowledge/events/nature-based-climate-solutions


ESAA Job Board

Check out the new improved ESAA Job Board.  Members can post ads for free.

Current Listings:
  • Manager, Strategic Relations – ESAA
  • Intermediate Environmental Scientist – Trace Associates Inc.
  • Intermediate Environmental Specialist – Summit
  • Intermediate/Senior Environmental Specialist – Summit (Various Locations)
  • Senior Reclamation Specialist – H3M Environmental
  • Senior Environmental Professional, Reclamation & Remediation – H3M Environmental
  • SENIOR HYDROGEOLOGIST, Technical Specialist in Site Assessment and Remediation – TerraLogix Solutions Inc.
  • Intermediate Environmental Scientist – WSP in Canada
  • Project Manager – Environmental Scientist – WSP in Canada
  • Environmental Scientist (Biology) – Summit, An earth Services Company
  • Livestock Operations Environmental Inspector – Natural Resources Conservation Board


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