Tuesday, May 30th
Registration Open
Nature Walk with Brian and Dee Keating
Details TBA
QPCO Meeting
(Maple A/B)
Details TBA
Exhibits Open
(Networking Lunch from 12:00 – 12:45 pm)
(Ballroom C/D/E and Foyer)
Ontario Update Session
(Ballroom A)
Moderator: Grant Walsom, XCG Consulting
Join moderator Grant Walsom and Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Park (MECP) policy staff for an update and discussion on Brownfields and Excess Soils regulation including such topics as Records of Site Conditions, Risk Assessments, excess soils tunneling spoils.
MECP participants:
- Adam Leus, Manager Brownfields and Permit to Take Water
- Michelle Zehr, Manager Ecological Standards
- Chris Lompart, Manager Land Use Policy
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Interesting Projects
(Ballroom B)
Moderator: Craig Wells, Parsons
Residential Redevelopment of a Former Multi-Well Pad and Battery Site Within an Urban Environment
John Forbes & Sylvain Bordenave, Trace Associates Inc.
SEAR Combined With MPE To Resolve Recalcitrant NAPL At Coal Tar Brownfield Site
George Ivey, Ivey International
Windermere Wetland: a History of Contamination, Remediation, Restoration, Innovative Monitoring and Management
Gordon Wichert, SLR Consulting
Significant Return on Investment Achieved by Successfully Remediating a Challenging Chlorinated Solvent Site
Kevin French, Vertex Environmental
LNAPL in Bedrock Case Study: Using Two Consecutive Remediation Approaches, MPE (multi-phase extraction) and Injection of a Carbon-Based Amendment
Daniel Brenner & Iain Walton, Vertex Environmental Inc.
Networking 101
(Maple A/B)
Open to first time RemTech attendees and those new to the industry. Hear from industry leaders about how to best network, maximize your time at the conference and take advantage of all of the opportunities that RemTech presents. Limited to 50 people.
Table Rock Restaurant Reception
ESAA and ONEIA are pleased to welcome you to RemTech East. The opening reception features a selection of foods from across Canada and the Niagara Area. In addition, take the opportunity to Journey Behind the Falls.

Reception Sponsored by:
Drink Tickets Sponsored by:
Wednesday, May 31st
Registration and Networking Breakfast
(Ballroom C/D/E)
RemTech East Conference Opening
(Ballroom C/D/E)
Welcoming Remarks and Keynote

Opening Keynote
”Six Nations’ Commitment to the Next 7 Generations”
Matt Jamieson, President / CEO
Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation
Sponsored by:
Networking Break in Exhibit Area
(Ballroom C/D/E and Foyer)
Canadian Brownfields Network
(Maple A/B)
Moderator: John Georgakopoulos, Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP
Legal / Regulatory / Government Updates
(Ballroom A)
Moderator: Eric Dobbins, ALS Environmental
Ex-Situ Remediation
(Ballroom B)
Moderator: Devin Rosnak, Green Infrastructure Partners
Climate Resilient Brownfield Remediation
Meggen Janes & Karen Bechard, Geosyntec Consultants
CER Reported Contaminated Sites and Remediation Operating Practices Update
Adele Houston, Canada Energy Regulator
STARx Treatment Plants: Smouldering Hydrocarbons, Waste Products, Contaminated Soils, and Recalcitrant Compounds at Scale
Dave Liefl, Savron
Technical and Strategic Considerations for the Use of Risk Assessment at a NAPL-Impacted Brownfield
Peter Sutton & Paul Cheung, Terrapex
Newton’s Pendulum: The Swinging Spheres of Environmental Law
Jacquelyn Stevens and Matthew Gardner, Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP
The Intersection of Excess Soil Management and Site Remediation in Ontario
Grant Walsom, XCG Consulting
Canadian Brownfields Network
(Maple A/B)
Moderator: Carol LeNoury, ERIS – Environmental Risk Information Services
Legal / Regulatory / Government Updates
(Ballroom A)
Moderator: Eric Dobbins, ALS Environmental
Groundwater Management and Treatment
(Ballroom B)
Moderator: Ben Sweet, QM Environmental
Environmental Insurance: A Case Study Involving Active Litigation, Complicated History, and Multiple Transactions!
Carl Spensieri, Berkley Insurance
Marc McAree, Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP
O. Reg. 406/19 On-Site and Excess Soil Management: Procurement and Contract Best Management Practices
Jenna Allan and David Wong, EnVision Consultants
Legacy Hydrocarbon Production and Related Factors Contributing to Degraded Groundwater Quality in Southwestern Ontario
Stewart Hamilton, Matrix Solutions
How Do You Drown a tree? And Other Unique and Challenging Construction Aspects
Nicholas Doucette, QM Environmental
Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan Demand Forecast 2023-2028
Brad Simpson, Public Works and Procurement Canada
Optimizing Groundwater Treatment for Complex Construction Sites: 2 Case Studies
Nathan Lichti Mahshid Jannati, Vertex Environmental

Lunch and Keynote Presentation
(Ballroom C/D/E)
Leadership Lessons Learned from the Shackleton Expedition
Brian Keating, Going Wild
Sponsored by:
Networking Break in Exhibit Area
(Hall B/C/D and Foyer)
(Maple A/B)
Moderator: Grant Walsom, XCG Consulting
(Ballroom A)
Moderator: Bruce Tucker, TUQ4
Technology and Research
(Ballroom B)
Moderator: Kevin French, Vertex Environmental
Use of Debris-Containing Soil for a Stormwater Pond – The Case for Sustainable Remediation
Michael Lupart, Trace Associates
Innovative In Situ Solution to Persistent PFAS Groundwater and Soil Contamination
Jean Pare, Chemco
Knock-knock, Who’s There? Using Next Generation Sequencing to Understand Your Environment
Melody Vachon, SiREM
Engineering a Sustainable Remediation Approach
Suvish Melanta and David MacGillivray, Grounded Engineering
STAR and STARx – A Smouldering Solution to PFAS from Laboratory to Field Scale Application
Laura Kinsman, Savron
How Modern Digital Platforms can help you Achieve 100% Budget Control
Vincent Lam,
The Redevelopment of Oshawa Harbour – Conversion of Federal Contaminated Land into a Municipal Waterfront Park through Site Assessment, Risk Management, and Soil Management
Pamela Cameron and Trevor Mahoney, XCG Consulting
Innovative In-Situ Remediation Approach to Treat PFAS-Impacted Groundwater
Matt Pourabadehei & Robert Timlin, SNC-Lavalin
Addressing the need for Data Governance using Data Management Software as a valuable tool in Site Remediation
Nick Tumney, esdat software by escis
Keys to Successful In-Situ Remedial Design at Brownfields Sites: A Comprehensive Approach Utilizing Design Verification Testing and Flux Tracer Tools
Elliot Maker, Regenesis
Treating PFAS: Current In-Situ Remediation Approaches
Bruce Tunnicliffe, Vertex Environmental
Excess Soil Management Technology at the Toronto Portlands, and Lessons Learned
Sajid Alimohamed and Morgan Chambers, QM Environmental
(Ballroom C/D/E and Foyer)
Join us for a chance to network in the exhibit area with exhibitors. Reception will feature a selection of hot and cold appetizers and the live music of Note for Note.
Drink Tickets Sponsored by:
Thursday, June 1st

Breakfast Keynote
(Ballroom C/D/E)
Building the Next Generation of Conservationists
Tovah Barocas, Earth Rangers
Sponsored by:
A Little Bit of Everything
(Maple A/B)
Moderator: Sylvain Bordenave, Trace Associates
(Ballroom A)
Moderator: Kerry-Anne Pumphrey, BlueFrog Environmental Consulting
(Ballroom B)
Moderator: Brandon Spiller, Vertex Professional Services
Remediation and Risk Management Strategies for Managing an LNAPL Impacted Site
Sam Caldwell, Stantec Consulting
Case Study: Combined ISCO/ISS of BTEX and Chlorobenzene Impacted Soils
Nathan Coughenour, Canada Geo-Solution sand Hubert Guimont, Menard Canada
Bioaugmentation- It’s Not Just for TCE Anymore
Corey Scales, SiREM
Risk of undetected Gas Emission Venting and Migration
Ryan Doull, 360 Energy Liability Management
Pilot Scale In Situ Treatment of Chlorinated Solvent Source Zone – Use of Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA) to Assess Treatment Performance and Injection Design
Daniel Bouchard, GHD
Field Applications of Anaerobic BTX Bioaugmentation Cultures
Sandra Dworatzek, SiREM
Air Sparging and Soil Vapor Extraction System for the Remediation of Volatile Organic Compounds in Groundwater and Soil Vapour – A Contractor’s Perspective
Nishil Mohammed, Green Infrastructure Partners
In-Situ & Ex-Situ Remediation of cVOC Impact in Conjunction with Site Construction Activities: Challenges & Perspectives from the Landowner, Remedial Contractor & Environmental Consultant
Oskar Pula, TRIUM Environmental
Jaka Suryana, Stantec Consulting
Albert Ho, First Capital REIT
Understanding Temperature Effects on Bioremediation and Cleanup Timeline: Case Studies
B.J. Min, TRIUM Environmental
Networking Break in Exhibit Area
(Hall C/D/E and Foyer)
(Maple A/B)
Moderator: Martin Gavin, GHD
Natural Attenuation and Phytoremediation
(Ballroom A)
Moderator: Sandra Dworatzek, SiREM
Ex-situ and In-Situ
(Ballroom B)
Moderator: Albert Ho, First Capital
Roadside Vegetation Naturalization Pilot Project in Calgary, Alberta
Kent Cryer, Earthmaster Environmental Strategies
Recognizing Natural Source Zone Depletion (NSZD) for a More Sustainable Approach to the Long-Term Management of Residual LNAPL at the CN Gogama Release Site
Matthew Rousseau, GHD
Optimizing Ex Situ Bioremediation of Recalcitrant Compounds in Canada’s Cold Climate
Malika Bendouz, Chemco
Dewatering and Containment of Heavy Metal Contaminated Sediments with Geotextile Containers and Polymers. Developing and Validating System Performance and Design
Tyler Anderson, Bishop Water Technologies
Soil Respiration Rates under Natural Attenuation versus Enhanced Biodegradation
Sophia Dore, GHD
Using Geochemical Data to Trouble Shoot Variable Performance Following ISCO
Brant Smith, Evonik
Overcoming the Engineering Challenges with Giant Mine Remediation Project
Chris MacInnis, Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
Plant Uptake of Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Trace Metals and Derivation of Soil-to-Plant Uptake Factors: Advancing the Science of Environmental Risk Assessment
Erik Martin, Vertex Resource Group
Treatability Options for Metals Contaminated Sites
Larissa Smith, SiREM

Closing Keynote Lunch
(Ballroom C/D/E)
Building a Crisis Proof Team
Yvonne Camus, Ecochallenge Adventure Racer