Warning: Hotel Poachers are Actively Contacting RemTech Sponsors and Exhibitors
Multiple RemTech Sponsors and Exhibitors have been contacted by a company called TradeShow Planners. This company is a hotel poacher posing as agents of RemTech / ESAA and attempting to secure credit card information. Do not under any circumstance give your credit card information to this company or any other making similar offers. ESAA does not use third parties to book hotel rooms. Hotel reservation information is done directly with the hotel via the ESAA event website or calling the hotel directly.
If you are contacted by this or another company please notify ESAA.
2023 Exhibitors
Trade Show Hours
Tuesday, May 30 Noon – 4:00 pm
Wednesday, May 31 9:30 am – 6:30 pm
Networking Reception 4:30 p – 6:30 pm
Thursday, June 1 9 am – 2 pm
Exhibitor Move In
Tuesday, May 30 8 am – Noon
Exhibitor Move Out
Thursday, June 1 2 pm – 5 pm

Exhibitor List
(as of May 17th, 2023)
# | Company |
11 | AGAT Laboratories |
18 | ALS |
6 | Bishop Water Technologies |
5 | Bureau Veritas |
34 | Canadian Brownfields Network |
28 | CD Nova |
10 | Chemco Inc. |
4 | City View Speciality Vehicles |
9 | Clean Harbors |
20 | Continental Carbon Group Inc. |
22 | Di-Corp |
8 | DS Consultants |
33 | Earthmaster Environmental Strategies |
7 | ECO Canada |
13 | Environment and Climate Change Canada and Public Services and Procurement Canada |
21 | ERIS - Environmental Risk Information Services |
36 | Eurofins Environment Testing Canada |
27 | GFL/GIP |
2 | Hole Products |
39 | Ivey International |
25 | Layfield Geosynthetics |
1 | LimeGreen Equipment Inc. |
24 | Matidor |
16 | Milestone Environmental Contracting |
38 | Ontario Environmental Industry Association |
17 | QM Environmental |
19 | Rice Earth Sciences |
30 | SGS |
14 | SiREM |
12 | SLR Consulting |
0 | SMART Remediation Demo Area |
15 | Strata Drilling Group |
31 | Trace Associates |
32 | Trace Associates |
26 | TRIUM Envionmental |
29 | TUQ4, Inc., Contaminated Soil Recycling |
35 | University of Toronto – Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences |
23 | Veolia Water Technologies Canada |