April 12th, 2023
4:15 pm – Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge
- to approve the minutes of Members dated April 20th, 2022;
- to receive the report of the President;
- to receive the report of ESAA Management;
- to receive the report of the Treasurer;
- to appoint Auditors;
- to appoint/elect Directors; and
- the transaction of such further and other matters as may properly be brought before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
- All full members have the right to appoint a proxy, who needs not to be a member, to exercise the same voting rights that the member appointing such proxy would be entitled to exercise if present at the meeting.
- The location of the meeting is Jasper Park Lodge, Jasper
* There is no charge to attend the ESAA AGM
2023 ESAA AGM Documents
- Notice of ESAA 2023 Annual General Meeting
- ESAA Board of Directors Proposed List of Nominees
- AGM Agenda
- AGM Minutes April 20th, 2022
- ESAA 2023 AGM Proxy
ESAA Board of Directors
Proposed List of Nominees
The ESAA Board of Directors is pleased to announce the initial slate of candidates for the upcoming Board of Directors election to be held at the ESAA AGM on April 12th, 2023..
There will be three (3) positions open for the ESAA Board of Directors, each for a three (3) year term.
If you would like to be included on the list of candidates for the ESAA Board of Directors and are a representative of a full ESAA Member, please submit 6 letters of support* by no later than March 17th, 2023, to the ESAA Office via e-mail:
In addition to the requirement of being a representative of a full ESAA Member, the ESAA Board is requesting those with the following qualifications consider putting their name forward to assist ESAA navigate a number of strategic priorities:
- Senior management experience
- Regulatory or government relations experience,
- ESG knowledge,
- Waste management, laboratory, Industrial experience
Proposed List of Candidates
- Sheila Duchek, SNC-Lavalin Inc. (I)
- Amanda MacKinnon, 360 Energy Liability Management
- Sean Parker, McLennan Ross LLP (I)
- Laura Rathgeber, AGAT Laboratories
(I) Incumbent
(*) Letters of support must be from ESAA Members and only one letter per member.
Alberta: Charges laid for improper pesticide use
The province has laid charges against Douglas Alf Larson and Bravo #1 Aerial Application Ltd. for not following Alberta pesticide regulations and environmental legislation.
Larson and Bravo #1 Aerial Application Ltd. are alleged to have applied a pesticide in a way that did not follow the directions on the pesticide label and without a valid registration.
Larson was charged on Feb. 22 and Bravo #1 Aerial Application Ltd. was charged on Feb. 23 in contravention of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act and its subsequent regulations.
Both Larson and the company are facing nine charges:
seven charges for contravening the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act
one charge for contravening the Pesticide (Ministerial) Regulation
one charge for contravening the Pesticide Sales, Handling, Use and Application Regulation
Larson, is facing three additional charges:
- three charges for contravening the Pesticide Sales, Handling, Use and Application Regulation
All offences are alleged to have occurred on Aug. 30, 2021.
The first court date is scheduled for March 27 in Provincial Court of Alberta, Vegreville.
Quick facts
More than 7,000 pesticide products containing more than 600 active ingredients are registered for use in Canada.
Pesticide legislation is in place to ensure pesticide application in Alberta is conducted in a safe and effective manner that does not affect other people or the environment.
Alberta Environment and Protected Areas conducts routine inspections and responds to complaints about improper pesticide management.
Pesticide legislation in Alberta requires specific certification and registration to ensure that pesticide service providers are trained and knowledgeable in the safe and lawful application of pesticides.
If you have information about a spill, release or emergency that could damage the environment, call 1-800-222-6514, 24 hours a day, seven days a week
AER: New Functionality Moving to OneStop
On March 16, 2023, we will release new functionality and enhancements to the OneStop platform.Form Submissions
A “Forms” tab will be added to OneStop and will be accessible on the landing page as an entry point for general submissions. At that time two forms will be available:
- Financial Statement Submission (Directive 067, Schedule 3)
- Closure Nomination Licensee Response (Directive 088)
Well Licensing: Brine-Hosted Minerals
The well licensing module will be enhanced to accept brine-hosted mineral well licence applications (new and amendment). Improvements include brine-hosted mineral well types and Regulatory Conversion, a well licence amendment type. Regulatory Conversion converts existing Oil and Gas Conservation Act (OGCA) and Geothermal Resource Development Act (GRDA) wells to brine-hosted mineral resource wells as identified in the Mineral Resource Development Act (MRDA). See Mineral Resource Development on our website for more information about brine-hosted mineral resource development and the AER’s role in regulating minerals.
Wells Licensing: Carbon Capture Storage
A new Carbon Capture Storage well type will be added to the wells licensing module in OneStop, which includes the option to classify a carbon sequestration evaluation well as “Confidential.”
Other Enhancements and Fixes
Details on other OneStop enhancements and fixes will be made available at the time of release in “What’s New in OneStop,” found on the OneStop Help page under “Enhancements, Fixes & Bulletins.” We will schedule a system outage to implement these latest changes and post the notice on the Systems and Tools page on our website and the OneStop Help page.
Training and Support Materials
We will hold a Well Licensing Brine-Hosted Minerals training session after the release to review the changes and demonstrate the new functionality in OneStop. Registration information can be found on the AER Announcements page. We will post new quick reference guides (QRG) on the OneStop Help page to support brine-hosted minerals and carbon capture storage functionality.
If you have questions about OneStop or this bulletin, contact the AER’s Customer Contact Centre by phone at 403-297-8311 (1-855-297-8311 toll free) or by email at
AER: Brine-Hosted Mineral Resource Development Rules and Directive 090
On March 1, 2023, the Government of Alberta proclaimed parts of the Mineral Resource Development Act. The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) has the authority to regulate the safe, efficient, and responsible development of Alberta’s brine-hosted mineral resources under the act.
Today we released Directive 090: Brine-Hosted Mineral Resource Development to complete the regulatory framework for brine-hosted mineral resource development. Directive 090 will come into effect once the Brine-Hosted Mineral Resource Development Rules (BMR) are in effect. The BMR will be available at the Alberta King’s Printer. The BMR and Directive 090 set out the requirements that industry must follow throughout the life cycle of a brine-hosted mineral resource development; they introduce processes and requirements unique to developing brine-hosted mineral resources while incorporating applicable oil and gas regulatory instruments.
Other changes to the regulatory framework for brine-hosted mineral resource development that will come into effect with the BMR include the following:
- Directive 056: Energy Development Applications and Schedules has been updated to include well, facility, and pipeline licensing requirements for brine-hosted mineral resource development.
- In the Oil and Gas Conservation Rules (OGCR), the definition of oilfield waste has been updated to include waste from mineral resource development. Also, new provisions have been added to the OGCR and the Geothermal Resource Development Rules that require an application for amendment when a licensee intends to convert a well licensed under the Oil and Gas Conservation Act or Geothermal Resource Development Act to a mineral resource well.
In addition to these revisions, another version of Directive 056 will be released on March 16 for OneStop application submission requirements for geothermal and brine-hosted mineral resources. Also, on March 16, a revised edition of Manual 012: Energy Development Applications will be released.
On September 20, 2022, we released a draft of the brine-hosted mineral resource directive for public review and comment until October 31, 2022 (see Bulletin 2022-28). A summary of the feedback, including our responses, is available on the directive’s webpage.
Directive 090 and the revised edition of Directive 056 are available on our website at > Regulating Development > Rules and Directives > Directives. If you have questions, contact our Customer Contact Centre by phone at 1-855-297-8311 or by email at
Remediation Technology News and Resource
(The following are selected items from the US EPA’s Tech Direct –
Upcoming Live Internet Seminars
ITRC Microplastics Policies & Research Around the Globe – March 22, 2023, 5:00PM-6:30PM EDT (21:00-22:30 GMT). The Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) together with the Australasian Land and Groundwater Association (ALGA) is holding an expert panel on the latest news on microplastics policies, regulations, and research from both the US, Australia, and other countries. The Panel will include two US speakers and two Australian speakers. The Panel will compare and contrast different country responses and have a discussion on next steps for microplastics. Time will be allotted for audience questions and answers. For more information and to register, see
SERDP ESTCP Webinar Environmentally Sustainable Methods to Remove AFFF from Firefighting Delivery Systems – March 23, 2023, 12:00PM-1:30PM EDT (17:00-18:30 GMT). This webinar will feature DoD-funded research efforts develop approaches for remediating AFFF-impacted fire suppression systems. First, Dr. Christopher Bellona (Colorado School of Mines) will present his research to develop a rinsing procedure to remove PFAS from AFFF delivery equipment, as well as to evaluate a closed-circuit high-pressure nanofiltration/reverse osmosis system for the concentration and treatment of AFFF residuals. Second, Dr. Johnsie Lang (Arcadis) will discuss her work to develop laboratory and field demonstrations for removing PFAS entrained on surfaces. For more information and to register, see
ITRC Environmental Data Management (EDM): Best Practices for Exchanging Environmental Data – April 6, 2023, 1:00PM-2:30PM EDT (17:00-18:30 GMT). The ITRC Environmental Data Management Best Practices Team (EDMBP Team) prepared a series of guidance documents
and case studies on best practices for all phases of EDM to address the need for guidance on managing large stores of environmental data. Environmental data management (EDM) is a broad field that encompasses all aspects of environmental research and regulation, from habitat studies and wildlife management plans to health advisories and remediation of hazardous waste sites. The EDMBP Team developed three Roundtable training sessions to support the Guidance Document and case studies. An additional offering is scheduled
for May of 2023. You are welcome to register for any of the series, but they do not build upon each other. For more information and to register, see
New Documents and Web Resources
Development of a Quantitative Framework for Evaluating Natural Attenuation of 1,1,1-TCA, 1,1-DCA, 1,1-DCE, and 1,4-Dioxane in Groundwater. The DoD has developed a new screening tool to simulate the natural attenuation of dissolved compounds in groundwater. The tool helps to evaluate historical monitoring data and to develop lines of evidence supporting MNA as a viable remedial approach. The model is programmed in a spreadsheet format and a User’s Guide provides helpful instructions. The tool incorporates key fate and transport mechanisms and various biotransformation processes. The following modules are included: solute transport of 1,4-dioxane with biotransformation via an oxidative pathway, solute transport of chlorinated ethenes with biotransformation modeled as a sequential first order reductive dechlorination process, and solute transport of chlorinated ethanes with two different degradation pathways including reductive dichlorination or an abiotic process. The MNA Rate Constant Estimator Tool was developed under the DoD ESTCP as part of Project Number ER-201730. For more information and to download the tool, please visit https://www.serdp-estcp.
Technology Innovation News Survey Corner. The Technology Innovation News Survey contains market/commercialization information; reports on demonstrations, feasibility studies and research; and other news relevant to the hazardous waste community interested in technology development. Recent issues, complete archives, and subscription information is available at The following resources were included in recent issues:
- Summary Report: Strategic Workshop on Management of PFAS in the Environment
- Modeling and Monitoring Tools to Support Passive and Active NAPL Remediation Approaches
New ESAA Member
ESAA welcomes the following new members. If you are not a member of ESAA you can join now via:
Student Member:
Upcoming Industry Events
Upcoming ESAA Webinar
Upcoming ESAA Webinar: Advances in Treatment and Sorption Technologies for PFAS & Other Contaminants
March 8th, 2023 – 12 – 2 pm (Edmonton Time)
ESAA and CHEMCO are hosting a free technical webinar on March 8th @ 12:00 MST. The technologies targeting PFAS contaminants are developing at a rapid pace to meet new environmental requirements. This training will present 2 in situ and ex situ remediation techniques that can be used to deal with this family of contaminants.
Martin Bureau is the Vice President for Innovation at ALTRA Solutions. Martin holds a Master’s degree in Physical Metallurgy and a Doctorate in Composite Materials. He was instrumental to the development of the ALTRA technology, formerly known as Aqua-Pipe, as part of a CNRC-SANEXEN partnership. He is the author of more than 250 scientific journal articles and international conference presentations.
Dr. Julian Bosch is the Managing Director at Intrapore. Dr. Bosch is the former project manager at the Institute for Groundwater Ecology at the Helmholtz Centre Munich and 10 years of experience in the development of nano- and microparticles for groundwater remediation.

SustainTech 2023
Delta Saskatoon – March 22-23, 2023
Spring SST Training Course — Equilibrium Environmental
Equilibrium Environmental has scheduled a full 4-day SST Version 3.0 certification course for the dates shown below. It is not mandatory for practitioners who are already certified in a previous version of the tool to retake the full certification course / exam, though it is highly recommended to have taken at least a 2-day update course or audit the full course as a refresher (but with no exam) if certified prior to Version 3.0.
Full 4 day certification course
This 4 day course includes over three days of instruction on theory, software tool operation, and case studies, with the exam on the fourth day (four-hour comprehensive exam). Students achieving a passing mark (80%) will obtain AEPA certification and a certificate number registered at AEPA for submitting SST assessments. The course will include instruction on the newest Version 3.0 including the subsoil SAR/sodium module, along with some comparisons to Version 2.5.3 to provide context for the numerous updates/upgrades in Version 3.0.
Dates: Tue April 18 – Friday April 21
Location: Online
For further information, please email or contact Equilibrium Environmental at 403-286-9374 or visit for a copy of the registration form. Please do not respond to this email.
CPANS 2023 Annual Conference Program is now available!
The conference program can be downloaded here
Please mark your calendars:
Theme: CPANS 2023 – Environmental Challenges in a Post-Pandemic World
Date: Wednesday, March 15th, 2023
Venue: Lister Conference Centre (1-047 Lister Centre), University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2H6
General Information
The CPANS 2023 annual conference will be held at the Lister Conference Center, Edmonton, Alberta. Participants of this conference will include environmental researchers, educators, students, environmental managers, other professionals, environmental industries and policy makers. The conference will be a great opportunity for attendees to develop new collaborations and share knowledge with experts from various fields in air and waste management. For more information on the conference, please visit the CPANS website.
ESAA Job Board
Check out the new improved ESAA Job Board. Members can post ads for free.
Current Listings:
- Intermediate Environmental Scientist – Trace Associates Inc.
- Senior Environmental Scientist (Salt Specialist) – Matrix Solutions Inc.
- Lead Crew Hand – Summit
- Senior Hydrogeologist – Summit, An earth Services Company
- Environmental Technologist – Summit
- Intermediate Environmental Specialist – Summit
- Intermediate/Senior Environmental Specialist – Summit
- Environmental Analyst – Summit
- Intermediate/Senior Environmental Specialist – Summit
- Practice Area Lead, Natural Sciences – Trace Associates Inc.
- Practice Area Lead, Hydrogeology and Water – Trace Associates Inc.
- Project Coordinator – Conservation and Reclamation – Ecoventure Inc.
- Project Coordinator – Conservation and Reclamation – Ecoventure Inc.
- Environmental Project/Program Manager – Ecoventure Inc.
- Senior Environmental Professional –Ecoventure Inc.
- Intermediate Environmental Consultant – Ecoventure Inc.
- Environmental Engineers/Scientists/Technologists – Edmonton, Alberta – Nichols Environmental (Canada) Ltd.
- Junior Environmental Scientist – Ecoventure Inc.
- Junior Environmental Consultant – Ecoventure Inc.